While Gary Bettman might wish for both Brian Burke and Kevin Lowe to just go on vacation and stay away from microphones, that apparently won't be happening any time soon.
Despite the Commish's edict last week for both gents to hush up, The Anaheim Ducks President and GM decided to try and sneak in a few shots today, suggesting that Lowe might have been guilty of tampering and was certainly guilty of dissing the Duck's fan base.
The Burke response came out of Anaheim as Burke chose to offer up rebuttals to Lowe's much documented outburst last week on an Edmonton radio station, offering up a point by point examination of the issues raised by Lowe.
Interestingly enough, despite the sudden flare up of hostilities between southern California and Northern Alberta, business it seems will still be business, as the Ducks' website still prominently features advertising for a Rocky Mountain Vacation in Alberta. We're sure that Kevin Lowe will be more than happy to be Brian Burke's mountain guide should he decide to check out the offerings made available through the Duck's website.
With his thoughts recorded for posterity on the information portion of the team's website and relayed to the eager LA media, Burke declared the issue closed and suggested he would abide by the commissioner's request to cease and desist. For now anyways....
While he may consider the matter closed, having fired off another shot across Lowe's bow on the tampering issue we suspect that the silence may be golden rule may get more of a workout for a little while yet..
Orange County Register-- Burke speaks out on Lowe’s comments
LA Times-- Ducks' Brian Burke gets in final words
Vancouver Sun-- Burke accuses Lowe of 'tampering' as feud still sizzles
Globe and Mail-- Burke asks NHL to look into tampering
CBC Sports-- Burke carefully responds to Lowe charges
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